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    江苏三井环保股份有限公司是(股票代码:695892)是中国宜兴国际环保科技园区重点设计制造废气,废液,固废三废治理的股份制国家高新技术企业,以 国内的三废焚烧处理系统方案解决当今工业环境污染,是中国工业三废焚烧设备系统优质供应商。公司针对目前工业三废污染的严重性,紧迫性,通过对国际先进三废处理技术的精心调研,新引进日本及欧美先进的焚烧技术,专业设计开发的焚烧炉获国家发明、实用新型专利40余项,并获得省级新产品,省高新技术产品等称号。公司是江南大学化工与材料学院研究生教学创新创业实习基地,同时也与常州大学、扬州大学、华东理工大学常年建立校企联盟合作关系。



        鹏程万里,扶鹞直上。三井环保将一如既往的坚持专业化的经营策略,向更高、更远的目标迈进,把企业打造成一个具有 的国际化企业集团而不懈努力!


        Jiangsu Sanjing environmental protection Joint-stock System Co.,Ltd. Is a national high-tech enterprise that focuses on designing and manufacturing waste gas, waste liquid and solid   waste treatment in China yixing international environmental protection science and technology park.The seriousness of the company based on the current industrial "three wastes" pollution, urgency, through careful investigation and research of international advanced "three wastes" treatment technology, the latest introduction of Japan and Europe and the United States advanced incineration technology, professional design and development of incinerators won more than 40 national invention and utility model patents, and access to national new products, title of provincial high-tech products.The company is a graduate teaching innovation and entrepreneurship internship base of school of chemical engineering and materials of jiangnan university, and has established school-enterprise alliance and cooperative relations with changzhou university, yangzhou university and east China university of science and technology all year round.
        Mitsui environmental protection has a technical team led by a postdoctoral researcher. Over the years, the company has carried out active exploration and research and development on the comprehensive treatment of waste materials and has accumulated rich experience.Realize from the design, production, installation, commissioning to after-sales service.And through scientific management technology will be hazardous substances in the hazardous waste completely destroyed, so that it shows the "reduction, harmless, resource-based" ultimate goal, and at the same time to the intermediate energy collection and reuse as the direction of development, fully reflects the value of circular economy.
        Mitsui environmental protection development has the following types of incinerator:Factory direct combustion exhaust incinerator, factory waste gas heat storage, factories, factory waste gas purifying exhaust gas catalytic oxidation system all-in-one, medical waste incinerators, latent heat gasifier, general solid waste incinerator, electronics, chemical waste incinerator with precious metals recovery system, the biochemical sludge incineration treatment system, solid liquid gas comprehensive treatment, high salt high COD waste incineration incinerator system and multidimensional catalysis system, magnesium dust removal desulfurization denitration integrated processing system, etc., mitsui series products in petrochina, sinopec, chemical industry, textile and leather, municipal engineering,Food medicine, power metallurgy, packaging printing, mechanical spraying and other fields and Iran, Arabia, Russia, Spain, Thailand, Africa and other countries and regions have been successfully applied.
        Bright prospects, harrier straight up.Mitsui environmental protection will, as always, adhere to the professional business strategy, to a higher and farther goal, the enterprise into a first-class international enterprise and unremitting efforts!

江苏三井环保股份有限公司 地址:  技术支持:zlqt.png 管理员入口
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